The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists.

I've noticed some people here, claiming they're confident. But in fact their behavior lean towards narcissism, even though they don't admit it. But it's not surprising, because there's no narcissist, who's going to say, I'm a narcissist. They call themselves confident, but in fact it's the wrong word to use for their case. Here are 7 reasons why:

(In alphabetical order)

1) Confident guys don't believe everyone is jealous of their appearance

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

It's an ego boost for narcissists, when others praise their good looks. And this makes them believe, that everyone is jealous of their looks. So if you detect a narcissist, try to bring them down to earth, by not commenting on their looks.

2) Confident guys don't believe in alpha male/beta male theory

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

To put it simply, those who believe they are alpha males are narcissists. Those who believe they are beta males are insecure. Confident people don't belong to any among those 2.

3) Confident guys don't look down on others, they think they are inferior to them

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

Hahaha you don't work out, what a wimp you are. You are just trying to make them feel bad by saying that. Notice what I said, you are trying to make them feel bad and not you make them feel bad. Because in fact many of them don't feel bad, but they laugh behind your back, and realize what a narcissist you are.

4) Confident guys don't talk about their "good" looks, in every chance they get

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

I'm tall, I'm jacked, and that's why I get all the chicks blah blah.

Congratulations if you actually get all the chicks, but keep it to yourself. If you spread it all around everywhere to brag about how good looking you are, it means you try to make others jealous, which is clearly a narcissistic trait.

5) Confident guys would never post their body picture in a public forum

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

And the most common excuse is, I'm proud about the effort I put, to look like this. OK it's not be bad to be proud, but keep it to yourself. The only reason why someone posts a body picture, to me it means, I'm doing it because I'm looking for compliments in order to boost my ego. And no, whoever dislikes the fact you post such a picture, it doesn't mean he is jealous (well sure there are some who actually do, but not everyone) because he doesn't look like you, it means he wants to bring you down from your high horse.

6) Confident guys understand that not all girls like them

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

What? You don't like me? You are crazy!

No she's not crazy, but it's her taste. Not every girl is forced to like you. Even those who do, when one day find out you are a narcissist they'll walk away. Unless if she's a narcissist herself. But I wonder how it is 2 narcissists dating each other? Never thought about it.

7) Confident guys understand the world doesn't revolve around them

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists

Every person should be aware they are just One among the billions. Not Me, and everyone else.

In conclusion:

Confident guy: I'm OK with my looks and I don't cry about not being good-looking.

Narcissist: I admire my looks, and I talk about how good looking I am in every chance I get, and I believe everyone is jealous of me.

The 7 Differences Between Confident Guys And Narcissists
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