What Became of My Teenage Crush...


I didn't notice him at first. He seemed nice but a little bit odd. But when I fell, I fell. It was the most intense feeling in the world. My palms were sweaty my heart beat out of my chest. He wasn't gorgeous but he was the most beautiful person in the world. A psychic told me we would get married.

And he became a drug addict.... And when he finally reached out to me he just wanted sex. I was devastated. Was that all I was to him? A floosy or a fling? Was I not worth it?

In anger I sent him a link for Meth Recovery. Blocked. I called him a drug addict loser too. He wrote about me nastily for two years on twitter. Did I deserve it? Was this the person that I loved from afar?

What Became of My Teenage Crush...

He got sober became a fighter of some sort and is now going back to college. But how could I forgive him? Simply I can't...

What Became of My Teenage Crush...
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