Another guy at my job did the same exact thing. He likes to poke fun at me from time to time.
I just thought they were being friendly but high giving a girl? Who does that? Lol
Um as a guy I do it to just everyone I know anytime I walk past a buddy in the hall I'll give him a little tap on the arm or something like that and for girls when we're in gym class I'll always give them highfives and props anytime something happens or when we're running past each other or something like that so they might just be trying to be cool and be your friend, they may like you a little bit but you'd have to talk with them a little more to find out for sure.
That's what I thought. But I've never seen him high five other girls. Or this other guy that high fived me at work. Then again they're both very outgoing people. They probably see the same in me and are just being friendly.
He likes you and wants to interact with you. A high five is an easy way to get a girl to touch you without being creepy.
He likes you. Hi-fiving someone allows you to touch them in a less creepy way than, say, placing your hands on their neck.
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