If a guy gives you his sweater does that mean he likes you?

so there's this guy that I'm starting to like, we have hung out 3 or 4 times where he would bring his friends and I would bring a couple of my friends. We get along with each other very well. So anyways we were all out the one night and I told my crush that I was cold and he ended up taking off his sweater that he was wearing and put it on me so that I was able to wear it! He was being very cute that night where he would pull out my chair for me to sit down he also watched my purse and moved it in front of him. The obvious one is that he was being very touchy and flirting the whole night like even touching my back like he's being protective. So yeah just wondering if it means anything for him to give me his sweater! whats going on? does he like me or not?
If a guy gives you his sweater does that mean he likes you?
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