How do I stop my mind going blank when I'm talking to him?

Usually I'm a confident girl who likes to joke around and has plenty to say without trying hard, and am not afraid to say what I think without being a bitch.

The problem is when I get to like a guy I sometimes get a tad shy and my mind goes TOTALLY blank, which makes me look like a complete bimbo (I have the bright blonde hair to match haha). I don't know what it is, because sometimes I'm fine I'm my usual self but other times I just clam up.

This has caused problems with the current guy I'm seeing for 4 months because I have no problem joking around with everyone else all the time and having a chat but I tend to be a tad more reserved with him. Which led him to accuse me of flirting with his friends :(

What can I do to help me relax when I get like this? AND BE MYSELF AROUND HIM ALL THE TIME WITHOUT RANDOMLY CLAMMING UP?

Thank you so much x
How do I stop my mind going blank when I'm talking to him?
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