Fuckboy or immature?

He liked me but she had refused to hang out with me when I asked him out once.
I asked him if he was free but he said he was not and had things to do.
He ignored me largely and came to meet his female friends , would hang out with them but refused to hangout with me.
He would take them out too.

But if I stopped talking to him, he would start getting aggressive and angry and would become rude towards me.
I dont understand. He can ignore me, refuse my offer and never start a proper convo on his own but expects me to do everything for him? Do i not have feelings?

He kept hurting me yet I kept giving him chances, tried to clear the confusion yet I'm the one whom he hates.

I tried to talk to him after he started giving me glares and he got defensive and rude claiming i was ignoring him when i never did.

He would say hi and walk away and i felt he didn't want to talk and after that he started giving me angry looks.
He also left this country and moved away after he cut me off and refused to hear me out

What do I do?
Fuckboy or immature?
6 Opinion