Guys, do you get jealous seeing your female friends out with other guys?

Even if you're just friends?
I am curious to know have any of you guys been jealous seeing a girl you rejected, or were friends with out with another guy? Or girls, have you dated another guy to make a guy you wanted jealous, and did it work?

A guy I liked, let's call him Peter, said he needed to think about if he wanted to date me or not.
Taking the hint, I decided to go find a guy that did want me.
Peter seemed fine with that, he even told me he wouldn't be jealous if I dated other guys! So I backed off.

Me and Peter are still friends. He calls me fairly regularly, and occasionally jokes about sex. However, I can tell he has a barrier up to keep me from getting too close to him.

Today, I made plans to go out in a few weeks with another guy.
One of my other friends jokingly told me I should let Peter know about the date to see how he reacts, saying it might be the nudge to make him jealous and want to date me.

No, I am I going to do something so childish. I am just curious to see how others would react.
Guys, do you get jealous seeing your female friends out with other guys?
Guys, do you get jealous seeing your female friends out with other guys?
61 Opinion