The age-old question: is he just friendly or actually into me?

This guy is very cute and I'm afraid I might be imagining more than there is from his side. I'm pretty sure he finds me cute and all that, but does that mean he would try to start something?

Here are some things I've noticed in our interactions:

Slight blushing
Show-off-ish body language
Trying to be cool
Waves at me from afar
Intense staring
Tries to do favours for me
Notices when I'm about to enter the building and hangs around at that time
Very nice
Ruffles his hair
Compliments me
Thoughtful looks
Soft voice when talking to me
Supports me
Kinda closed in on the personal distance a bit a few times

Does this look like a guy who wants to pursue the girl? If yes, I don't want to be oblivious to it, if no, I don't want to develop any kind of hope.
The age-old question: is he just friendly or actually into me?
2 Opinion