He was the guy I loved most in my life and I fell hard. I thought we had something but he broke my heart bad. It took over a year to even come to terms with the fact that what I thought we had wasn’t real. Then it took almost another year to forgive him for doing me dirty. It’s been almost a full three years and he sent me a friends request on Facebook which I ignored. He liked my pictures and my posts and I didn’t respond. He texted me a while ago and no response. He posted a video on his Facebook story of him listening to a song named after me. Then after he sent me the last message he posted on his page that he didn’t understand why people would ignore him Bc he would just keep trying. Why is he doing this? He already showed me the fucked up truth of how little I meant to him and now he is being like this. Why won’t he just apologize if that’s what he wants to do rather than playing these stupid games
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