What do you make out of this?

I invited the guy I'm seeing at my place for few drinks and he said he'll probably pass by after gym at night and asked me if he could stay over. I said yeah, just hit me up. He agreed but didn't follow through. That is the second time he didn't follow through. First time I texted him to come over, he said I'm out with friends probably I'll pass by if I don't get drunk. This time, he told me to stay in touch and see how the night goes. Tbh, I felt asleep and didn't check for any messages but it was already late in the night so I figured he isn't coming over. The next day he texted me to apologise but he got home after gym and felt asleep on the couch. I didn't mind it cause it wasn't something arranged ahead so it was more like play it by the ear. I was surprised he even texted to apologise as we're casually dating. I replied that I also felt asleep cause I was tired and it's all good :) he saw it but didn't reply back or initiate a meeting. When I text him to hang out he always replies right away and asks place and time. We've already hooked up and we're both seeing other people as well. Do you think it's best to let him lead and step up at this point? I mean if he's genuinely sorry he couldn't make it, I assumed he'll be asking me out another time. Last time we hanged out was at his place, he texted me early in the morning to ask if I was free to meet (when he's planning our meetings he usually texts me in advance to make sure I won't make other plans but when I text him to hang out he seems to have things scheduled. He told me he'd appreciate to be informed in advance but I explained that I'm more last minute person and I'll understand if he gets busy- this is my definition of casual.)
What do you make out of this?
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