Can’t you explain?

So I had a one night thing a year ago and had no intention to be anything with this guy. The sex was out of this world which we both were surprised about that and we started to meet sometimes ca 1 or 2 a month. (We don’t have much free time.) Things are going steady and I told him in the beginning that I did not want a relationship and he said that he eventually he would want one. So in the past months I have meet 2 of his friends and 2 of his brothers. I did not asked he just made a decision to introduce me as his friend, while holding hands and kissing. Weird I know. I am thinking now what are we but I am afraid to even ask. We don’t communicate that much is only when we want to meet it is nothing like we are boyfriend and girlfriend but he is sometimes very hot and cold. Very caring when I am with him but sometimes he ignores me. I am starting to think that I need to have the talk and maybe end this because I am starting to get feelings. Last time when we met he was quite vulnerable that I am too good for him, that I don’t judge him and that he doesn’t understand why I am always with him but also said that he is a quite busy person (he has a kid as I do and work and life of course is hard) and I don’t know if he likes me or not. He also said that he pushes people away that he likes and I think he was trying to explain why he does the hot and cold thing. He said he loves me during sex many times but it was during sex and I don’t believe that. What should I do? Should I just stop this or have a what are we talk? I got hurt really bad in my last relationship so I am afraid of getting hurt again and I also have my walls up.
Can’t you explain?
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