Why do men call me bad at games even when I´m better than them?


This year I started playing a game again I took a two year break from. I play mainly one game mode in said game which is pretty dead so everyone there knows each other and everyone knows I´m a girl. There´s hardly any other girls too basically none. I´m also #1 in ranks with a 2 KD when most people in that game mode hardly have a 1 KD even the other ones in ranks

I know I´m good, not the best player but I´d definitely say I´m above average in PVP especially because so many people use obvious autoclickers yet I so often have people calling me bad, sometimes jokingly and sometimes in a serious way. Mostly this even comes from people I play in parties with, who get carried by me hard or who get absolutely comboed by me or are lost and I´m like? Since it´s so many people who have told me this I´m starting to think they´re right. But part of me also thinks maybe they´re mad a girl is on their level or even better than them. I notice I perform worse when people call me bad too that´s why it makes me so sad

I can admit when someone is better than me but most people who tell me those things definitely aren´t. There´s one guy I know who´s a literal god and who´s definitely better than me who hasn´t called me bad once in fact he still complimented me on my hits few times. So do these other guys just feel emasculated or do they mean what they tell me

Why do men call me bad at games even when I´m better than them?
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