How to know if I pushed him away with that text?


There's this guy we live far from each other so we mainly text and FaceTime when we're free, but the other day he suggested we call on Monday and when I said "okay" he didn't reply for two days until it was indeed Monday and he didn't text or call so I sent him a message at noon asking to postpone because something came up. But I was in fact mad that he didn't confirm our call or say anything about it. He didn't reply till later that week and didn't mention it at all. He only replied to a pic I sent for my new haircut saying it looked "pretty nice".
I didn't want to seem pushy but didn't want to make it sound okay that he ignored the fact that he bailed on me (even if I raincheck-ed, bc I only did it to save my dignity). Anyways I replied decided I might use sarcasm and replied with "Hey you could've sent a pigeon" and then I thanked him for his complement on my hair. and I added laughing emojies to show I was joking but it has been three days and he hasn't replied. He doesn't go online that often but he still does at times. Did I push him away for good now?

How to know if I pushed him away with that text?
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