Does anyone know how I can be seen as tough or what people call a "bad boy"? No matter what I do people think I'm soft. Why is that?


Right now I am in college. I've been getting money by doing gigs as model for a few years now. I actually make pretty good money, but I'm not stupid enough to dropout. I know modeling isn't a career that last forever. I do better than most college students. I have an Instagram with a couple thousand followers (I won't post it on here for spamming violation.) Most of my money comes from my gigs though. That was just a little background info. People usually refer to me as a pretty boy. I am muscular with a Sixpack but slim at the same. (I'm still not intimidating. People often compare me to a Ken doll.) The problem is that for some strange reason people often try to take advantage of me and automatically assume I'm a push over. When I am in line at the dining hall someone might cut in front of me. I'll tell them to move but they won't listen. (I noticed there were plenty of other people that they could have cut in front of but out of everyone they chose me.) One of my friends ask me for money when he needs help sometimes and I usually give it to him. One day he asked me for some money, but I only had my card on me and no cash. I told him I couldn't give it to him right now. He got mad at me and left. There was this girl that would come around and ask me for a little money for food. I usually helped her but one day I didn't have cash on me. She told me I was lying before left with an attitude. Someone that I was cool with needed money for textbooks I let him borrow a few hundred dollars. He told me he would pay me back but he never did. I asked him to pay me back a few times. He said he would but then he ghosted me. I notice that people get shocked if I stand up for myself. I attempted to pull off a bad boy persona and dress like one. People saw right through it. A group of girl I spoke to said I was so shy and cute. I never heard any describe a bad boy like that. People still scouted me out to ask for money. How do I break out of this soft persona. It sucks.

Does anyone know how I can be seen as tough or what people call a "bad boy"? No matter what I do people think I'm soft. Why is that?
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