Am I in the wrong, is this normal male behavior? Please respond he listens to other peoples opinions?


I dont even know where to start, but I want to keep it short for you guys.

My boyfriend refuses to adjust or budge in any manners like empathy, or kindness, bc he’s tried it before and hated it and never wants to be sensitive and weak again.

he says phrases like “i dont even listen to my mother, surely I’m not listening to you”

he thinks there are weak and “strong” people. And basically people who dont want to argue or fight are weak, people with empathy in general.

he snaps at me constantly and blames me for minor things that dont even matter. Like if we’re playing fighting and he accidentally hurts me, instead of saying sorry he gets mad that I GOT HURT. Or will be like you're fault you shouldn't have rough housed me. If anything happens around us, its always what did you do?

if i call him out for snapping at small shit he says something like, why are you so sensitive? Stop taking everything so seriously and making it something its not.

If i try to talk to him about how certain things he does hurts me or just makes me feel disrespected his response is that I’m trying to change him into a “sensitive” man and he's not changing.

most the time he says he’s snappy because I’m stressing him out. But even through all this I try to maintain cool and calm him down.

He says “I dont put out enough”

In my opinion he seems cold and shallow. But he says he’s probably to most emotional intelligent man I’ll meet.

despite all this he can be great. But I don't know, whats your guys thoughts? Or advice on how to cope with this? Am i the only one seeing wrong in a lot of this behavior?

Am I in the wrong, is this normal male behavior? Please respond he listens to other peoples opinions?
4 Opinion