Does this guy like me?

So there’s a guy in my building who I’ve known for a few years and I think he was attracted to me at one point and would strike up conversation here and there, he asked if I’m a software engineer so we talked about that and once we matched on a dating app and he liked my picture.
I didn’t see him much in between for some time but then I saw him in the elevator one day and we striked up a conversation and it was friendly and light. I added him on LinkedIn and he messaged me saying “it was great seeing you today :)” And I messaged him a couple other times just regarding some business stuff and he liked one of my posts.
He always says hi when he sees me but is awkward so many other times.
I’ve seen him at a few events and he seems comfortable talking to others but with me he’s not like that.
Anyway I can’t tell if I’m just being annoying even though I’m just trying to be friendly becuase he’s nice. But there are a lot of times I think he doesn’t seem to want to talk to me.
What should I do?

Does this guy like me?
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