My experiences with veganism

I've been vegan for about 8 months now and it's been absolutely awesome. for a little bit of backstory I'm a high carb low fat vegan that tends to follow a starch solution diet. i love being vegan and i hope this post opens you up to the vegan world.

1. There more than one type of vegan

many people think we sit around eating nothing but nuts and berries and that's not completely true. there are many types of vegans the two main categories are high carb low fat and high protein low carb. i dont know a lot of subgenres for HPLC, but i know high carb ones: the most comon high carb diets are RawTill4, STarch Solution, Fully raw. then that brakes down even further into 90/5/5 and 80/10/10

2. I'm completely healthy

many assume that I'm protein defiicient and malnourished, neither of which are true. in fact im the heathiest I've ever been. i spent my whole life being protein deficient and malnourished growing up as well as having poor digestion. I got my blood tested to make sure I'm on the right track and they came back perfect.

not to mention i feel amazing. I grew up aways eating meat and dairy and i was always kind of chubby. i swithed to paleo (not bashing paeo people the diet just didn't work for me) and i felt awful. i was always lethargic and hungry also to lose weight i could only eat 1,400-1,500 calories. now I have crazy amounts of energy, i can concentrate better, im never hungry and i get to eat at least 2,000 calories a day. which is pretty freaking awesome.

3) It's not as bland as you might assume

my experiences with veganism

Once again people ask "doesnt only eating plants get boring" or "don't you missdelicious cheese" (im not even joking about these questions). The answer is no. When your body is fed with heathy food it wants more of it and my body definetly wants more. I don't find mself craving meat or cheese, however I find myself craving lettuce, oranges, melon and banas a lot.

My experiences with veganism

And sometimes we all want some good ole' junk which I can have. There are tons of delivious vegan junk foods that your probably already eating. I can have oreos, potatoe chips, (some) types of pringles, french fries, and there are also some damn good meat alternatives out (such as ribs, chicken nuggest who even my dad a meatatarian loves, hot dogs, etc).

My experiences with veganism

Some of my junk is just healthy versions of the original. banana tv said " I get to eat icecream for breakfast and french friens for dinner, I'm living every kids dream right now". And I do eat delicious banana icecream all the time (and it's good for you) and I often have baked potatoe fries for dinner. Healthy and vegan.

4. Plant based and vegan are two different things

plant based and vegan are different things and commonly confused. vegan means you dont use any animal biproduct, at all. plant based just means you don't eat animal biproducts. so vegans dont eat honey, dont wear leather, dont wear suede, etc but plant based people do/can.

5. It doesn't matter why your vegan

I might get some heat for this but it doesn't actually matter why your vegan. To some it does but it's really not important so don't let that deter you. You don't have to care about animals or the enviroment. If your vegan because you want to lose weight, and don't buy leather because you think it's too expensive then that's 100% okay. As long as your helping with animal cruelty then it doesn't matter why your doing it.

6. There are tons of nice vegan people and nice vegan youtubers/bloggers

People often give vegans a bad rep saying theyre mean and hostile. Most of us aren't, its just because we're not in your face you typically don't know we're vegan. Many people like freelee the banana girl and durian rider give us a bad rep as some cult hate group but we're not like that. most of us are just like you just minus the meat.

Also if your interested or just want to see some cool people I recommend essena oneill, paula poupette, bananatv, naturallystephanie, CamOnFruit, Just Another Vegan, SweetPotatoSoul, Timothy V (especially for guys into fitness, check out his vegan breakfast ideas video). All these people are awesome and amazing.

My experiences with veganism

Because veganism has been such an awesome expeirence for me I don't think I'll ever go back to eating animal products. I may later right a take about the types of veganism. I suggest giving veganism a try, go on a two week challenge and see how you feel and if your really daring 30 days. Be sure to do your research but I suggest starch solution for beginners and RawTill4 for extremely active people. But seriously try it because it may be for you.

By the way these are some videos. I dont follow these styles of vegan exactly but I just wanted to show you some of the people i metioned above

The first video is an example of vegan junk

My experiences with veganism
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