What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea


What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

Fiarrhea - The spicy food lovers burning anus hell

(n.) Extremely painful condition that occurs after eating any variety of extremely hot food such as habanero peppers. Fiarrhea causes a violent expulsion of the spicy material with very little digestion, resulting a fiery hell in the anus. The output is very gaseous and acidic, which more noxious than what was eaten. The victim of fiarrhea must spend many painful loathing hours on the toilet, regretting that culprit bowl of extra-hot dose of demon salsa.

Welcome to another random series of "What You Didn't Know but Now Know". Okay well this is actually my first myTake on WYDKNK but that's besides the point. Today I wanted to present the issue of "fiarrhea". As defined by urban dictionary "fiarrhea" occurs after the consumption of spicy foods. The reason behind this is because your rectum and anus lined with cells that are similiar to the ones in your mouth. So if it burned on the way in you can expect it to burn on the way out. If you're one of the lucky fols to not experience this then you are lucky not to experience such a thing. For those of us who through it I have some nice tips for you to make your next bowel movement not so excruciating.

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

1. Change Your Diet

Well we know that might not happen but I had to put it out there. If you eat less spicey food then you are less likely to suffer from a fiery discharge.

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

2. Fiber Supplement with psyllium

Fiber helps soak up some of the fatty acids in your stomach. It can be taken before or right after you eat. Metamucil is the most-recommended fiber supplement by pharmacists.

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

3. Clean Your Butt

This seems obvious enough but if this is something you expereince after every spicey meal then it is suggested to clean the area with warm water and mild soap. If you have a bidet then that would work just as well. After the cleaning you should apply a soothing ointment. Something preferebly containing calamine that helps with soothing ithing and burning.

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

4. Hot Pepper Bootcamp

If you only eat spicy foods for a couple days, you induce “rectal hypersensitivity” (that burning pain, plus the frequent urge to go number two). But if you continuously eat spicy foods for 3 weeks or more you can induce desensitization by training pain receptors in your cells to cope with the spices better.

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea

Well that's it for now. Once again thanks for reading and may your next BM not be so fiery. ✌

What You Didn't Know but Now Know: Fiarrhea
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