Little things to make you happy every day!

We all feel down in the dumps and find it.hard to be happy often. Maybe you had a long day at work battling the boss. Maybe you have had explosive diarrhea all day long. Maybe you have a class project due soon that you are depressed about. My point is you should take the time to be happy. Do something everyday to make you happy that you enjoy. Here are a few ideas.

Little things to make you happy every day!

Take in a movie

This can be in a cinema,Netflix,on tv, or even at a public screening such as in a park. It can be a Disney movie you can sing along with, A comedy you can laugh along with,A James Bond spy picture where you are at the edge of your seat, or even a Freddy Kruger movie scaring the shit out of youself. If it brings you joy and you love movies, sit down and watch an old favorite or a new one.

Listen to music

Turn your radio on, put in A cd, go to youtube, whatever you have to do to dig some happy tunes. In a previous myTake I posted some songs that give it can be anything from A nice rock ballad, a pop star sensation,A country two step, a classical symphony, or even a rap beat. Music is a universal language that everyone speaks.

Do exercise or yoga

A good jog in the park, a game, a zumba class, yoga, or even a run on a treadmill can help you feel new and rejuvenated. Thirty minutes twice to three times a week is the recommendations usually. But it can vary due to age or activity level.

Read A book or magazine

A good book is like a good friend. It's always there for you, you can leave off from where you last were, you can even spend as much alone time with it as you want. You can get lost in a good fairytale adventure, A pirate battle, A science fiction discovery, or even a good mystery. I don't recommend reading a news paper though due to the fact the news can be often depressing. This is about happiness so we need to be happy.

Treat yourself

Buy yourself something nice if you have the money. It can be a dollar candy bar, a movie box set, a spa day, or even if you can afford it a new Cadillac. But honestly how many of us can afford a caddy lol, I know I can't. So some days just treating yourself to something small and simple can make you happy.

There are lots of.other things to help raise your happiness level: cooking,hugs,sex, video games, tv shows, crossword puzzles, baking, even painting. No matter what you enjoy, make sure it makes you happy and can destress you. So find something that makes you happy and enjoy it.

Little things to make you happy every day!
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