How To Get Your Girlfriend to Start Lifting Weights

One of my major pet peeves when discussing or working out with other girls is when girls are like, OMG, I'm going to turn into the Hulk if I lift weights or they can't seem to figure out that if nothing else, there is an internet that explains how to use every single weight machine on the planet or they go to the gym and use tiny baby one to three pound weights like that's doing anything (their gym bag weighs 5lbs, come on!)

I think women in particular need to really get over this hurdle that they seem to have with lifting weights. I mean the guy in the video is being somewhat sarcastic but behind that sarcasm is one hundred ounces of truth. You hear the whole, I wish I could look like that instagram or Pinterest or Facebook internet famous model, but then these women get in the gym and sit and talk on the phone or just do..a...lot...of...cardio...Even when they see youtube videos of these same women lifting weights proving that indeed, they aren't hulking up, still some women believe that if they lift anything heavier than their purse, people will think they are shooting up with steroids.

How To Get Your Girlfriend to Start Lifting Weights

Some universal truths that continue to be ignored are:

1. You cannot spot train

2. You need a well rounded workout program that includes both cardio AND weights to see real and lasting transformations

3. Great workouts and poor diets do not a healthy body make

4. Muscle burns more calories than fat

5. Women do not have the level of testosterone in their bodies that men do, nor do they typically lift the heavy amounts of weights that men can or eat the amount of food needed to make hulk like gains, so its pretty friggin' impossible to bulk up, so therefore....

6. Women CAN and SHOULD lift!

How To Get Your Girlfriend to Start Lifting Weights

I think in this world of increasingly overweight and obese bodies, there is nothing wrong with encouraging friends, or lovers, or friends who become lovers, to get in that gym and do a real workout! We seem to have forgotten in our modern sedentary lives, the importance of working up a sweat and maintaining our physical fitness. Despite what magazines would have you believe, it's not just about vanity. A lean toned body functions better than an obese or out of shape one to allow you as a person to do more with your life than sit on a couch. And yes, for some women (and men!), employing a little subtle psychological manipulation is needed, ha, especially if you've tried to explain number five or two to them for the billionth time. Rather than just complain about it endlessly or wish you had that better body, why not actually do something about it and get to the gym and lift, do your cardio, and work on getting into eating a healthy diet?

How To Get Your Girlfriend to Start Lifting Weights
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