My Experience Inside a Mental Hospital And Why It's Hell on Earth

My Experience Inside a Mental Hospital And Why It's Hell on Earth

I have been in two different psychiatric hospitals for attempts of suicide brought on by(mainly) loneliness and rejection from girls. I had been told I was handsome and tall, but with all the rejection, I knew better, so I tried to OD on over-the-counter sleep aid. But they flushed most of it from my system with sodium via an IV and then I was transported to Swan Districts mental health, which today, is closed down, and then I spent my first week in hell.

Though they made me stay in the normal ward, because I was much too sane for the lockup one, I was essentially isolated, because I could not safely have a healthy conversation with the other patience, with the risks of accidentally triggering their psychosis, or provoking them without realizing.

I had only slept for about three hours a night, because of all the screaming outside my room and in the other ward, even with their insulated cells. In the ward I was in however, I had to share with somebody. "How the F*** can you sleep so easily with that racket?!" I would ask him a lot. He must be on some strong sleep drugs.

The food was so cheap, it was hardly eatable. The toilets could be opened from the outside by anybody at any time for, what they said, "Safety reasons," and if one of your fellow patience tried to hurt you, you had to defend yourself (lucky I was 6'5" and had loads of meat on me, and the retard who attacked me was like a scarecrow.)

My Experience Inside a Mental Hospital And Why It's Hell on Earth

Then one day when I was super horny, I subtly propositioned an older woman who was a fellow patient, she took great offense, and reported me, and then security came and ganged up on me and interrogated me. I tried to explain to them that I was very stressed and lonely and I just wanted a woman's touch. Luckily they understood and let me off with a warning. And if i did it once more, i would go to the lockup ward.

But after a week of staying there, the doctor came and assessed me and cleared me for discharge.

But three years later, still not having success with women, and having to resort to expensive whores, I tried to OD again. I ended up in Saint John of Gods Midland, Swan Districts' replacement.

This one was even worse. I was guarded by a nurse at all times, because they could have gotten sued and shut down if the female patience had sex with me. I asked my nurse why i could not even eat meals at the table with them. He said that most of them have been in here so long, they crave a mans touch desperately. But because they were so mentally ill, they could not legally consent, and I could of ended up in prison. But this rule benefits nobody. Us patients could not quench our biological urges and that didn't help our case at all.

But after three days, the doc' assessed me and said I could have escorted grounds access, so I could order a pizza, pay with my credit card, and go down stairs to collect said pizza.

I'm glad I had my android phone with me, so that I could watch some of History Channels Dogfights on YouTube, and a lot of the time, some of the patients, especially a Japanese guy who was always karate-fighting the air, would gather and watch with me.

The whole experience made me realize just how good I had it on the outside.

I hope I've shed light on why you don't want to end up in a place like this.

My Experience Inside a Mental Hospital And Why It's Hell on Earth
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