My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza

My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza

I started taking my birth control called, Lyza two weeks ago. I started birth control for a couple reasons. One, to balance my hormones. Right around when my period starts, my anxiety goes through the roof and I turn into a different person. Before my birth control, I would scream at someone over something small and then later wonder why I did that. And two, because my period symptoms I got were terrible. My symptoms included hot flashes so bad I thought I had menopause.

My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza

I paid for my birth control myself and I ordered it from PRJKT ruby. PRJKT ruby is a company that gives women affordable birth control without a prescription. The upfront price is $60 for three months worth of birth control and then $20 every month. Also, it's very judgment-free. Many women have reported feeling judged while trying to take charge of their reproductive health including having their doctor force personal views on them. You won't be judged by anyone, also the packaging is very discreet. My birth control was sent in a plain white box, it didn't even say PRJKT ruby on it. PRJKT ruby was really great. I took a medical questionnaire to see what birth control was right for me. The questionnaire was later sent to a physician for approval. At first, my birth control wasn't approved because I have had migraine auras since I was ten.

The physician emailed me and explained that s/he didn't approve it, because the kind of birth control I was looking into increases the chances of stroke if the user gets migraine auras. The physician then recommended Lyza for me. Lyza has worked perfectly for me. I read medical reviews on Lyza and I noticed the only women who didn't like Lyza shouldn't have taken in the first place because it wasn't right for them.

Lyza is a progestin-only birth control so it's not very effective if you use it as your only birth control. Luckily I'm taking it for reasons other than sex. Within a few hours of beginning Lyza, I noticed a difference. My anxiety and emotional instability stopped cold turkey. Also I don't get any more period symptoms with the exception of bleeding of course. And even then, I only bleed for two days. So far, I haven't noticed any side effects at all, not even weight gain. My skin has cleared up and I haven't gotten a migraine since starting Lyza. If you set an alarm to take your birth control at the same time every day and you take it on time, Lyza will work for you.

My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza

Birth control can be hard to get because people don't understand the meaning of separation between church and the state. And there are physicians that force personal views on patients or supervisors/bosses that have a problem with paying for an employees birth control. And in other news, there is a law that allows women on birth control to be fired and evicted if Missouri bill passes. For the love of your God GOP, The Handmaid's Tale was a warning not a guide.

PRJKT ruby is legit birth control and they have teamed up with major pharmacies. I got my birth control from a pharmacy in Utah, of all places. And if you're like me, you believe in population control since we already have 7 billion people on this planet. So you can also donate money so a woman in a third world, developing country can get birth control. Here's a more thorough review of PRJKT ruby and she also talks about more affordable birth control options.

My advice would be to do research on which birth control is right for you. PRJKT ruby doesn't carry every kind of birth control, so it's good to know there's other companies like PRJKT ruby. Women have gone and are still going through a lot for their reproductive health, so it's good knowing affordable birth control is possible.

My Review on My Birth Control, Lyza
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