Burnout Experiences: Cleaning Your Mind Back to Sanity

Life goes to fast to process it all, its as simple as understanding you need more time.
Life goes to fast to process it all, its as simple as understanding you need more time.

Introduction (You can skip)

This MyTake was inspired by a question from @CubsterShura where she was asking about mental health care. For those who don't know, at the time of writing i am actually completely overworked and recovering from a very heavy burnout. During it i am learning a lot about myself, but i am also developing methods by using my own situation and external advise to provide solutions for others. I understand much better how it all works now i am going trough it, and while i am not a medical expert i want to share you some tips to take better care of yourself or aid a friend. Its going to be painstakingly obvious that you need to do this especially for those of you that love to relax and do nothing, but for the people like me this is aimed at that is actually not that easy because we literally do not understand what that even means or are rejected the opportunity.

If you where incapable of reading the previous paragraph, this take is probably for you.

The problem

The problem in modern society is very simple, we constantly do stuff! Relaxing in our generation means doing more things that are more fun, rather then actually doing nothing for a change. We don't take time to heal, we don't dare admit something is wrong and we don't face our demons. The solution is literally going to be to relax and take some time to process everything that happened.

You don't relax so you never process whats going on, making your mind more and more cluttered. So start doing less and take a moment of nothingness and letting it go.

The symptoms

* Inability to think clearly

* Being extremely emotional or lashing out

* Feeling depressed

* Feeling exhausted

* In extreme cases being suicidal

* Seeing no way out

* Being very negative in general

* Loss of memory

This trick should work for people who are burned out, have anxiety, have trauma or anything else cluttering there mind and causing stress.

The trick that helped me and all my friends with mental issues (At least to some degree)

This is the main meat of the entire take, and how simple it is to potentially turn your life around after a traumatic event or when feeling mentally cluttered with everything that is going on.

Decluttering your mind

Step 1 : Find a dark, quiet space where you can lay down. Preferably your bedroom. Cover your eyes and ears if need be. Make sure you have all the time you need as this is going to take a while to do properly.

Step 2 : Stop thinking about whatever you are thinking about.

Step 3 : Notice how your mind instantly shifted to a random subject.

Step 4 : Think about the subject that just automatically entered your mind as long as it takes, it can easily last 30 minutes to an hour before your mind naturally finds it enough and changes topic. Just follow along, don't steer your thoughts, this is all about your subcontious letting you know what is really going on.

Step 5 : Once your subconscious has processed enough the thoughts and stress will fade away. Congratulations, it was enough for today and you should feel a bit better. If it keeps going longer then you have time for (Maybe you read this as your trying to sleep and want it to end) let yourself know you will do it again later and then try it the next day.

Do the trick often, preferably at least one time per day after doing something intense. Or if its more severe once per 2 hours in your off time.

What can happen when you try this trick

What happens can differ any time you do this and also depends on your background but in the group of people who tried this with me we typically always get one of the following outcomes.

1. You fall asleep (No biggie, you needed the sleep more then the decluttering. Try resting a bit more next time and keep it at that. Don't set an alarm clock for the trick as it will make things worse).

2. You will start getting very rapid thoughts / images in your mind that make no sense. Its also very likely you won't remember these a few seconds later even if you wanted to. I made effort to remember some of them and even then i typically forget. But the two notable ones i remember are "A golden pheasant is a chicken to" and "Emma Watsons new album cover uses the doom font". The things you will get are completely gibberish and no your not going insane, its just the subcontious clearing the clutter and giving things a space in ways our contious mind will not understand. What is seemingly random actually serves a much larger purpuse.

3. Past trauma comes up and might increase your stress levels or make you really anxious. If you have PTSD you likely want to do the trick with a friend nearby who can calm you down when it gets to much. Keep in mind you always remain contious so you can stop this when it gets to intense. If it gets to much STOP, rest, calm down and then try it again later once your ready.

4. Things that bother you start to surface even if you didn't know about it. These are the thoughts that will likely get stuck in your head for a long time before your mind changes the subject. These are the things you need to process most. You will likely start thinking of solutions and once you find a conclusion the thought lets you go. In my own case i had this centered around a very evil company doctor, but it ended with me realising it wasn't so much the doctor i was affraid of but i was scared of the fear i would have being bad for my health on the trip towards her.

5. You start to bond with your subcontious this one is seemingly very weird but very productive. Because your letting your subcontious speak by dictating the subject it can tell you whats actually been bothering you all this time. You can start to trust your deeper mind to know what is best, to know what is wrong and you can become a better communicator with yourself then ever before. If your issues aren't to severe you will never need a therapist ever again once your issues are resolved and you learn to listen to your inner mind.

The above will teach you how to declutter your mind, but if your problems are to severe to handle alone seek a specialist to help you do it in a more controlled manner.

Helping a friend with a cluttered mind by giving emotional support

If you are reading this take while being healthy yourself chances are you have a friend who needs your help. While its not entirely related to the rest of the take ill share a few things i do for my friends.

1. Understand that if they are being negative towards others its usually not serious, its a different struggle they are projecting to you. If you don't take it literal but instead see it as helping them you won't absorb the emotion which helps you remain calm.

2. Direct the topic to what is actually going on, see whats upsetting them and ask yourself why this might be. Look for key aspects that keep repeating them as they will usually bring it up in patterns.

3. Help the problem not the situation after you figured out what is wrong. If they are extremely emotional its likely either a past or current event that was extremely stressful on them. Rather then focusing on what they are blaming it on try to find what is causing stress in there lives. Its often the same thing as they are complaining about, but its not always the case.

4. Teach them the earlier trick and help them understand the importance of taking some time to do nothing until they physically feel relaxed rather then doing something fun.

5. Let them know you care about them and are there to help.

6. If you notice its severe use the goodwill you created to advice them some professional help.


Trough my journey i have learned that society is moving way to fast and never stops to address issues from the past. We are so driven to life that we are forgetting part of that is to take a step back and look at what is going on both in ourselves and in the world. The tricks i shared help you do this and it will hopefully teach you to rest.

Thanks a lot for reading this take, and as always if it works for you please aid your friends and teach them how to be better carers for there own minds but also there friends. Step by step we can continue spreading positivity and making the world a happier place.

Burnout Experiences: Cleaning Your Mind Back to Sanity
Post Opinion