The best way to grow your glutes without surgery


I know this myTake might piss off some people and they are gonna be like "Duh we know these already", but hey, this is for people who DON'T know. At least, I've seen enough women struggle with it to decide that I'm gonna write down this myTake.

The best way to grow your glutes without surgery

Stop with the squats hype already

People are like 'oh just do squats you will grow some glutes' it's not that simple.

I've seen the craziest stuff online and offline. Doing 140 squats in a day, doing 60 squats in one set, the 30 day squat challenge, oh. my. God.

Stop this, it's not gonna help you.

I workout in the gym and I hear other girls around me saying "I do 60 squats and I still got no a$$!!! I guess my body isn't meant to grow glutes."

While it's true that our bone structure, metabolism also matter and you can't expect having a super big butt when naturally have a more slender figure, I firmly believe in optimizing what you already have. I'm certain that this workout will help your glutes gain a few inches overtime. We gotta be realistic.

"Ok Cubster we get it, tell us what it is already!"

You need to add weights. To your butt workouts.

Grab some dumbbells, or even bags full of heavy stuff if you workout at home and don't have dumbbells.
Grab some dumbbells, or even bags full of heavy stuff if you workout at home and don't have dumbbells.

60 reps of freehand squats won't do much to your bum at all. I did like, 3 sets of 10-12 squats, holding a dumbbell/weight that is ALMOST too heavy for me to complete my 10-12 reps, and I did 3 sets like that. For example, I used to do it with 5kg weight first. As my glutes got stronger I moved on to 7.5 and eventually 10kg and you keep going up like that overtime.

There are also other variations. Working with the heaviest weight you can lift and work until failure, then take a weight that's a little lighter then work with that until failure, 3 sets like that. Another variation is doing 12 reps with a challenging weight, then grabbing a heavier weight doing 10 reps, and in the last set grabbing a more heavy weight and doing 8 reps.

Add some more workouts, not just squats alone!
Add some more workouts, not just squats alone!

These are a few variations I came across online. Oh and again, you can't just do squats alone. Do some other great butt workouts, also the ones that help with growth if the muscles on your sides, with pretty much the same technique. As long as you are using resistance- can't stress enough how important it is, it makes all the difference- you will see positive results. Also eat protein rich foods meanwhile. I like to eat more fish, lentils, chicken liver and eggs when I'm trying to gain muscle because they not only have protein but also other good stuff like omega 3 fatty acids and iron in them.

It made me go one pant size up. It did the same thing to some other friends of mine who previously struggled with growing gluts and were complaining about it.

And ok, if you want to be pessimistic, fine. It may not grow your gluts in size at all. But I still guarantee you they are gonna have a really nice shape. Your legs and butt will be really beautiful if you do this workout regularly.

I highly, HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. To anyone who didn't try it yet.

Thanks for reading!

The best way to grow your glutes without surgery
30 Opinion