Here Is Why You Shouldn't Worry About Toilet Paper Running Out


I know you probably read that title and thought:

"What the fudgecakes?"

Here Is Why You shouldn't Worry About Toilet Paper Running Out

But, here me out. I know with COVID-19 many people are stressing about toilet paper.

But fear not, because I have the perfect solution, now chances are if you're Muslim or Asian you probably know where this is going. Anyways, what is my solution?


Here Is Why You shouldn't Worry About Toilet Paper Running Out

They call it, the lota.

What is "the lota" used for I hear you ask? Basically, one uses it to wash themselves down below after they've taken a shit.

How To Use a Lota

Step 1 - Fill it up with warm water. Make sure the water isn't boiling hot, and make sure it isn't freezing cold. And also don't fill it up all the way to the top because it'll spill everywhere.

Step 2 - Lean forwards on the toilet seat a little and pour it down your backside. Kinda like watering a plant.

Step 3 - Use a little bit of toilet paper to wipe your butt and dry it.

I use a lota anyway, but why?

So, yes, I am born in and I live in England. So why do I use a lota when I have toilet paper? I can already see the triggered people in the comments:

"ThEsE AsIaNs!!! CoMiNG tO oUr CoUnTrY!! BrInGiNg ThEiR lOtAs aNd UsInG tHeM!! ImPoSiNG ThEiR cUlTuRe On Us!! ThEy mAkE mE sO AnGrY I tHiNk I'Ll gO tReAt MySeLf tO a SoMe TeA!!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Well, I'll explain it with a simple analogy. Imagine an animal shits on your hand for some reason. You may wipe it off with a tissue, but you're not going to just wipe it off with a tissue are you? You're going to wash your hands (I hope) because that will properly wash the shit off of your hand.

Now do you understand why I use a lota to wash myself after a number two?

So where can I get a lota?

Well, look for your nearest South Asian shop and they should sell one.

If the South Asian shop don't sell them, or you don't have a South Asian shop near you, just look online, and order one.

My point is...

Everyone's stressing over the toilet paper shortage, because people are panic buying due to COVID-19 but if you use a lota you won't need toilet paper.

You may be thinking: But you just said you use a lota and toilet paper

And yes, I do, but if I was to run out of toilet paper, I could still use the lots to wash myself properly and then a towel to dry but I wouldn't really HAVE to use a towel.

So I'm trying to save all your asses (literally) by telling those who don't know about the alternative option out there.

And yes, I accept this MyTake was gross but I was in the neighbourhood.

Thank you for reading, I'll be happy to answer any questionsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Here Is Why You Shouldn't Worry About Toilet Paper Running Out
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