Calling someone "mentally ill" isn't the insult you think it is

If you use "this is a sign of mental illness' or "you sound mentally ill," this one is for you, and I know there are a few of y'all on here.

Before we start, I would recommend watching this short video about the misconceptions of mental illnesses.

Hello everyone :D Welcome back, and now I'mma bug the crap out of y'all. Let's get one thing clear, to legally and medically tell someone they are mentally ill. You have to be a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist. Yes, your therapists can't legally give you a diagnosis.

They can give you... opinions and treat you, but they can't say, "yah homie, you're depressed as fuck". As they can't give you medicine, they only can give you therapy, thus the name therapist. That being said, the time it takes to be a legal psychologist is about 8-10 years of school and about 2 years of exams and interviews for your licences, so unless you have all that you calling someone mentally ill is one of the dumbest things you could say seeing the odds are you're understanding of the term is from tv and mass media.

Now you're probably about to say, "OHH well, of CoUrSe, I KnOw It's nOt really real it's just an insult"... it's again the dumbest insult ever. Why well, becuase statically speaking, the odds are you probably have a mental disorder. In the world, for every four people, about one of them has some form of mental disorder. That being said, the odds you actually are the one "ill" is pretty decent, especially if you actively bug people on the internet.

Here's the thing I have no idea where people got the modern thought to keep using this as an insult, especially when there are tons of successful people with mental disorders, and the fact that there exist is proven and valid but science. Speaking of science, in psychology, we don't use the term "mental illness" anymore. The term illness is broad. It doesn't address any real information about the person, not to mention for the past 100 years, anything that didn't meet society's norms was a mental illness (I can't roll my eyes hard enough).

Regardless of all that, another problem is that using the term affects people with mental disorders in medicine. It's only a disorder if it affects the patients daily living, making it harder for a person to function at social norms; that being said, people who don't argue with you on politics ay aren't mentally ill, so calm the hell down.

All that begin said, if you're gonna try and insult someone's mental health, especially in a year like this, is nothing short of embarrassing for you, with the chance that you or someone you know was a mental disorder, it really wouldn't kill you to treat that person with respect.

Calling someone "mentally ill" isn't the insult you think it is
Post Opinion