Please help me to lose 8 kilograms (approximately 17 lbs) in 2 months?

Is it possible? I am a 17 yr old girl and past two months I didn't even do any kind of physical activity (I was roaming around my town with friends few times...thats it and that too in car and bike) and was enjoying my holidays. Now that its coming to an end I was shocked to see how much weight I have gained (8 kilos). During holidays my eating habits were messed up and so was my menstrual cycle. I lost stamina and doc told that I am anaemic. Now I am freaking out a lot. Then I realized whining doesn't help so I want to reduce my weight. Please please help me by suggesting what exercise regimen and diet (veg only) to follow to lose weight and AT THE SAME TIME improve my stamina. I am Living in HELL right now...I am fainting wherever I go (thats how poor my health is). The worst thing is I live in India where the temperature is very hot and even if I stand under scorching heat for Just five minutes I will faint then and there. Your help is literally going to save my life (no over exaggeration just the truth). Please help me. by the way my height is 172 cm and weight 72 kgs.
Please help me to lose 8 kilograms (approximately 17 lbs) in 2 months?
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