Does anybody have experience with adhd?

My parents and my teachers knew that I was different in some way. I was super energetic, I had trouble sitting still, my handwriting is absolutely terrible until today etc. But I escaped some of the negative sides, for instance my concentration is good, I can focus on things for a long time. So somehow my parents never actually brought me to a doctor to be diagnosed. I was sent to a woman to help me with my writing but that was about it. I was doing well in school so they seemed to think it didn't matter or something.
But I do have problems. My organisation is terrible, I rarely keep order, my stuff is all over the place, my school notes were always a mess. My self discipline is really bad, I always push stuff out to the last minute, I have problems motivating myself to do things I don't want to do. Planning ahead is also not a strength. I did well in school, I got into the highest level of high school in Switzerland and finished which gives you the right to go to any University in Switzerland without any test or application.
But once I was at University things started falling apart. I had never really had to study before, I paid attention in class, I participated a lot and tht was about it, that was all it took to pass most subjects. A year befor grduation I put in a little bit more effort because those marks counted for the final grades but even then I wasn't doing a lot. Anyway I wasted a lot of time at university, even though I passed some Tests and the material was not too hard for me I couldn't keep it together because of my weaknesses. Now I'm getting career advice from this woman, trying to figure out what to do next. She gave me this brochure with the symptoms of adhd, so many apply to me or did when I was younger. I will go to the information center on the brochure but I was wondering if anybody had some advice or experiences. I feel like a lot of my problems could have been avoided if I knew about this earlier.
Does anybody have experience with adhd?
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