Do you think obesity is glamorized in America?

According to most medical professionals, the vast majority of Americans are in denial about their weight. Obesity rates increase with every year. 2/3 of Americans are overweight. Now being a healthy weight is seen as "skinny" and being slightly overweight is seen as normal. Less than 1% of people are underweight. I watch Women complain about underweight women being glamorized but when only less than 1% of people in America are underweight, is it even an issue?

I understand having muscle but usually that shows up when your body fat is measured. Also muscle makes you look leaner and weigh more, not flabbier and weigh more.

I am 5ft8 and 134lbs. I have been told I am too skinny which baffles my mind because I am 20% body fat and definitely in a healthy weight range. I should be between 128 and 164lbs.

I don't know, it just seems like people are getting bigger and bigger with every passing year. I wouldn't care but it effects me because I get tired of being told I am too thin. I am not even skinny, I am a normal weight. I also get a little annoyed when people ask me to donate to diabetes. I kind of feel like if you choose to live a unhealthy life why should I waste my money on you. I thought being big was glamorous. Most cases of diabetes are weight related.

I would care but I just get tired of being told I need "curves" aka more fat. I am actually curvy 35, 23, 36. I have a big round butt and nice sized boobs. I just don't have all the extra fat.

It's not just women, men have high obesity rates too. I recall a friend complaining he failed weigh ins (military) . his body fat was measured using a Bodpod, the most accurate way. He was still in denial. Note this guy was very soft. I just didn't get why he refused to acknowledge he was overweight. He sweared to everyone it was muscle. Believe me He was in no way hard (muscular) anywhere on his body.

does anyone else feel the same?
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+1 y
I get it. It is hard to keep fit in America where everything is supersized. I mean a meal from McDonald's is on average 1500 calories (most of your daily calories, most women only need about 2000). Everything is wrapped in bacon and with excessive calories. I get it! I just don't get being in denial.
Do you think obesity is glamorized in America?
Post Opinion