My best friend (22F) over edits her photos. How can I tell her she is struggling with body image issues?

My friend has done surgery at 17 and 20 (nose and breast). When I see her pictures, I can’t recognize her. She edits her nose a lot, makes her body thinner etc, a whole different person. She never takes natural pictures and always uses filters on her face. It’s so obvious all my friends tell me about it everytime she posts a new picture of herself.

She told me once that she notices every « imperfection » in everyone and that her boyfriend should have a nose job. It shows how much she is obsessing about body image.

I asked her 2 times why she was editing her pictures and she denied. Now when she asks my opinion about her photos before posting on Instagram, I just tell her she is pretty. It is very disturbing to call her pretty when I know it is not her real self. She is one of my best friends and I don’t want to have an argument with her, but it bothers me to validate this unhealthy behaviour.

How can I tell her she has body image issues and should seek professional help instead of more editing and surgery? Do you think she realize what she is doing?

Any similar story or opinion are welcome !
My best friend (22F) over edits her photos. How can I tell her she is struggling with body image issues?
+1 y
This is NOT a picture of my friend (picture was found online).
My best friend (22F) over edits her photos. How can I tell her she is struggling with body image issues?
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