How do I find inspiration to go to the (martial arts) gym when I don't feel like going?

So, I just joined a jiu-jitsu gym two weeks ago. Paid $400 upfront for three months and a free gi. (One month would've been like $300 with the cost of the gi, so this was cheaper.) But to be honest, I've only gone twice. I feel so drained and exhausted after work. And my stamina is so low, I can barely wrestle another opponent in the times I did go.
How do I find inspiration to go to the (martial arts) gym when I dont feel like going?
This isn't the first time this has happened, too. I used to do kickboxing before COVID started shutting things down late last year around here, when all the vaccine mandate crap was going on. We all to be triple vaccinated in order to go to gyms and I wasn't having that. So from November to March in Korea, no one who wasn't triple-vaccinated to go to gyms, which means I had to stop going to kickboxing classes. But even before then, it felt like a CHORE to go. I wanted to go to lose weight and improve my fight skills, but I just didn't feel like going at all. I still went, however. I just had to drag myself there. It wasn't fun and I had no energy there.
How do I find inspiration to go to the (martial arts) gym when I dont feel like going?
The jiu-jitsu class is even worse, cause I can't even auto-pilot my way through jiu-jitsu like I can pounding the bag at the kickboxing gym. I REALLY want to be stronger. Especially to make up for being physically weak due to stature (as in, "because I'm short"). I've done martial arts for years. I did Korean boxing back in early 2021. In 2019, I did MMA. And from 2015 to 2018, I did boxing twice a week. And honestly, I've NEVER liked any of them. I just feel like it's an obligation that I have to be an expert-fighting bad-ass, as a man. Especially considering how short I am.
How do I find inspiration to go to the (martial arts) gym when I dont feel like going?
So I paid $400 for a jiu-jitsu gym I never want to go back to again. I have almost no desire to actually do it, other than feeling like "I need to." That I'd be a pus sy if I don't become at least a blue belt in jiu-jitsu, MMA, or something similar. My heart really isn't in it. What do I do?

How do I find inspiration to go to the (martial arts) gym when I don't feel like going?
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