Which do you do more often? Go to the doctor or self-care?

So remember I told y'all that pencil went deep into the side of my foot in April? Shit was still hurting after a month so I went to this doc in May. The mfs told me it would be $100-150 and nothing more. I get there, they do an xray, find nothing. He then scrapes off the skin that was healing over the wound, squeezes blood out and wipes it with like ointment or some shit. Basically all the stuff I did at home but much longer than the fckin 5 minutes he gave. I’m thinking really thats all the mf gone do? It was maybe two tiny pieces of debris that you could hardly see, like a fckin pepper sprinkle.
I get a bill yesterday saying i paid $50, insurance paid $40, and I owe $40 more. I call them up asking what did I pay and they said $100. I said so why does the bill say $40? They’re like well you got two injections. I said when tf I get that? Then they said im sorry, you got an ulcer removed. I said what ulcer? I said the only thing the mf did was reopen a flat wound that was not an ulcer. She’s like Ooops thats what I meant and thats technically $375 for him to scrape your foot. Lmao they can't lie for shit. But i’ma gone and pay this 40 fckin bucks 😂🤦‍♀️ AND MY FOOT STILL HURTS! I’m gonna go back to sticking with self care like my grandpa has always believed in
#FeelFreeToList #FckThemDocs
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I had surgery in 2007 and these mfs tried to cut into me before the anesthesia fully kicked in so I refused to go back to the doc. I didn’t return til 2018/2019. Then again in 2021. After that, these mfs constantly try to get me to come for little regular ass checkups. They got me fcked up cause the only thing they checkin for is a check. Well technically cash. See, i pay all my bills soon as Im billed and that makes em more money hungry. But they never fix shit 😤
1 y
By self care, I’m not talking staying in good health to keep from going to the doc. I’m talking things that could come out of nowhere. For example, I know people who have cancer but live based off faith rather than going to the doc and getting chemo. So for serious stuff, would you go to the doc or try to self medicate or whatever the word is
Which do you do more often? Go to the doctor or self-care?
56 Opinion