Have you hallucinated before?

I've only hallucinated once, it was during my first hangover in which over the course of 2 days, I drank a whole 1 liter bottle of straight rum.

I did this on a Monday, now before you judge me, I work at night, since in an Uber eats driver, that doesn't change the fact that nobody should waste pity on me, since I'm the idiot who drank too much. At first, it was just a bunch of weakness and pain, then it went to anxiety, then I started to hear loud footsteps come up my stairs.

I live alone, so absolutely nobody should be coming up my stairs, I was still very weak, but I still managed to get my gun and shine the light mounted to it in that direction, but nobody was there. I put it down and went back to resting and drinking water to re-hydrate myself.

Then again, I was awaken from someone running aggressively up my stairs, and I heard several hard footsteps towards my room, but again, nobody was there. This continued for hours, until hangaxiety stepped in and stopped it.

Safe to say, i won't be drinking rum again. Rum is ranked #3 for producing the worst hangover symptoms, and I take no issue believing it. Some may think that hallucinations are fun, but they're not, they're scary and dangerous, I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, not even my worst enemy deserves to go through the hell I went through.

Have you hallucinated before?
Have you hallucinated before?
Have you hallucinated before?
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