Could I be pregnant?

please dont call me stupid or anything. Im on the pill and had sex Wednesday July 24th and he came inside. It's now been a little more than two weeks. I'm not on day 3 of my placebo birth control pills and no period... I don't always get my period when on the pill though. But now I'm paranoid and worried. I took a test Friday) and it was negative. But I'm still sorta paranoid because my period hasn't happened. Normally I'd have a little blood and so far absolutely none. And I do not want a child at all. Like at all. please can someone help ease my mind about this. I ordered two test to be delivered tomorrow just incase. But is there any chance I'm pregnant as I take my pill everyday around 7pm. But I don't know y I'm paranoid I forgot one that Monday and took it Tuesday (I don't know if this is true or me making myself worry)

28 d
My period just started
Could I be pregnant?
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