Do you get the winter blues? How do you keep the winter blues away?

Where I live basically gets cold between October to May. That’s 9 months of blues with snow between November and late March. I’ve made it a habit of leaving the country November, February and April for at least 2 weeks. I know not everyone has the luxury but I spent most of my life in hot climates and the winter hurts my bones literally. That’s why Canadian are amongst the highest rated for vitamin D deficiency.
except for complicated family stuff, I rarely get any blues :D
but winter is tough... cold... lol
so I try to keep myself warm and enjoy additional time for reading :D
Living beings inherently get "winter blues". Some (bears for one), just hibernate. Human beings don't have that capacity. In some cases, the blues manifest themselves in full-blown SAD. In those cases, counseling, schedule and vitamin management, and a good dose of morning sunshine where possible can help the individual.
Thanks for the MHO.
Yes, I hate the winter and I kick myself in the ass for moving to a shittier weather climate than where I use to live prior. But unfortunately I am stuck here for the time being. But I am so ready to leave this area. i pray every day i can make it happen
I used to hate winter but now after living in shitty weather Britain for 13 years I am happy to be back in Canada with the snow and fun to go snow machining and just being in big piles of snow. Plus I don't feel as cold in Canada for some reason probably because the houses are insulated here..
Reduction in Sunlight reaction with the pineal gland. I wondered why it occurred when I moved to Massachusetts. It also explains the number of bars and the the necessity of of those bars. Socializing appears to take the edge off the lack of sunlight. But it's aiding function comes at a price. Alcoholism. It is no wonder that Alcoholics Anonymous started in New Bedford, Mass.
It was like when you left the Boy Scouts your next club was an Alanon group. Most churches up there sponsor at least one Alanon group. Down here folks are to shame conscious to admit to the problem.
Warm temps inside, a trip or two into the sun, a candle at dinner time.
A little aperative couldn't hurt.
Good rest, lots exercise, positive thoughts, sharing love with those whom you love.
I tend to hate the cold in general. I can't wait until it gets back to being warm & I can wear dresses and stuff again. As well as look for dresses.
I hate winter, but the weather never affects my mood. I am always on different levels of a high.
get turned on and be in heat
make love under the sheets
Its summer here
In winter, I enjoy the cool with the heat , shower, hot chocolate, heater or blankets if I was dirt poor
I am getting them now. I am looking forward to spring.
I go to a gym in the winter because my garage is too cold toward out in. And its nice to see all the spandex roaming around
I go to Starbucks everyday sit there watch people
Sometimes I do when the sky is grey and overcast.
Yes being being stuck in doors.
Yes so I go to the Canary Islands 🇮🇨 for 6 weeks
I'm the happiest with winter...
yeah winter sucks
A heard helps, but winter isn't for me.
With frozen pizzas
No need. Fall is best then winter.
SAD lamp. Like special sun lamp.
I go out in the community and do things.
Coffee Netflix and my man.
I travel to a warmer climate
Vitamin D
I love snow ❄️!!!
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