I'm working out and exercising but gaining inches?

Hey Guys!

I have a huge question for you!

I just got off a 2 week vegan cleanse plan, and have since started on a month long pilates adventure.

Recently I have been doing cardio followed by Pilates for about 30-40 minutes a day and eating clean. For a total amount of 1200-1700 calories a day. I do allow myself to cheat, for instance I'll have a sprinkle of cheese here, or a coffee there. But mostly I'ts lots of veggies and good vegetarian protein.

I take my measurements religiously. And although I feel tighter, my measurements went up! .5 inches around my hips, and about that around my waist.

Obviously when you are dedicating yourself to something you don't want to see your inches go up. Any ideas on what might be happening?


I'm 5'7 with an hourglass shape.
I'm working out and exercising but gaining inches?
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