How to lose weight if I have binge eating disorder?

For those of you who don't know what binge eating disorder is
I have developed BED over the past 2 years (I was 15, 5' 2'' my weight was 93 pounds. Now my height has remained the same, except now I weigh 115 pounds). It has started slowly, like I was eating more than I should have at one meal and before I knew I started overeating every day. This has got worse over the last year. I tried dieting, but that didn't work because ''for every diet there is an equal and opposite binge''. The longest diet lasted 10 days. So yeah, I can't stay commited, no matter how thoroughly I plan everything. I had a diary, I counted calories, I planned my meals etc.
After repeated failure I tried to eat intuitively, without a plan and without restricting, just giving my body what it needed but that didn't work for me either. What scares me most is that two years ago I thought that eating 1500 calorie a day was binging and now I can eat up to 3000 cal daily. I am at a healthy weight now, but I really hate my thick thighs and horrible muffin top. And it is only getting worse. If I go on like this, who knows, maybe I'll be obese in a few years.
As for exercising, I have always been an active person (going to gym, running, even exercising in my room) but it doesn't make any difference because I am always eating so much. Maybe I'd be even fatter if I didn't exercise.
My question is how can I stop all this? How can I lose a few pounds and keep them off? I keep telling myself that I am going to change my lifestyle, but I am always going back to the old habits. I used to have a lot of willpower before but I have become weaker as years have passed.
How to lose weight if I have binge eating disorder?
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