People who are in their late 20's+, what are some things you regret not doing more of in your teens/20's?


I am 26 yo currently.

I had what I consider to be an almost perfect childhood - the almost will always exist and also serves to keep life interesting and fun along the way. Filled with frugelness, appreciation for the cool toys I do have, loving friends and was fairly popular in school and had a lot of fun with everyone.

People who are in their late 20s+, what are some things you regret not doing more of in your teens/20s?

But around the time I was 13/14 I feel like I was always going through life as a second rate version of my true self. Never quite as fit as I wished I chose to be earlier, grades were mostly phenomenal, and I was on band and a few D1 varsity teams throughout the year - but I cut back in grade 12 as I was feeling burned out and regretful at not having more freetime to relax and just enjoy being a teenager with friends after school, doritos and video games with my mates - and very glad I did.

I feel like with some aspects of life, that balance is the best path to achieve the most happiness long term overall. I wished I had gone to some more parties in high school and got laid a lot sooner and far more often than I did in university. I went to prom with my dream girl, but missed out on dating a girl I loved a lot in grade 11 who I knew liked me back. By the time I wanted to get the courage to ask her out someone else already had. Those are some of mine.

People who are in their late 20s+, what are some things you regret not doing more of in your teens/20s?

1) What are some things you wish you had done more of/avoided doing in your late teens/20's?

2) What advice would you share with others to strive to do in their late teens/20's to minimize regret and maximize happiness with balance across both the short and the long term?

3) Folks who already own their own homes - do you wish you went on a vacation or two in your 20s down south and rent longer - or is it best to save up a down payment first? I am trying to save for both right now but will likely only have the funds to do one or the other in my 20's/early 30s, and do the other later, or smaller vacations first in the 20's maybe.

People who are in their late 20's+, what are some things you regret not doing more of in your teens/20's?
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