Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

Pine cone elfs...

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

Or pine cone owls...

They just give that something special to the whole home decor! They're cute, playful, the kids will love them and the adults will ask you how you made them! A win-win!

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

A home-made snow globe is the thing to do this season, apparently! Even though there won't be any liquid, it's still fun to make small decorations to glue on the inside of a mason jar lid and then close it up, maybe put in some artificial snow inside to make it look more festive, and call it a day!

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

A great little DIY gift for someone for sure!

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season
Hand-made invitations with actual plants tied to them are something else! They should be plants that you can either plant in your garden or pot, or a plant that has a pleasant scent so that when they get the gift with this attached to it - it refreshed the whole room and makes them associate you with something lovely...

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season

Since it is the season of the leaves and the greenery leaving us for a period of time...it might be a refreshing thought to bring as much evergreen plant life into your home, since you won't be seeing much of it outside... These candle holders are refreshing and unique with the plant-life attached to them from the outside so as not to be damaged once the candles are lit!

Spice up Your House With DIYs this Holiday Season
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