Have you worn a Covid mask this Christmas during your gift-shopping?

I know I wore mine πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ and I felt very full-of-myself and relaxed also πŸ˜·πŸ˜…πŸ‘€

Christmas shopping Covid mask
Christmas shopping Covid mask

And supplementary questions: has anyone stared at you? have you smiled with your eyes back? And have you noticed people wearing Covid masks, or only since you started, this Christmas gift shopping? Or in days ahead more masks?

Only started wearing mine last few days
No, but I may consider wearing a Covid masks again
Yes and even after Christmas shopping, I'll wear Covid masks
I didn't even know people still were/are cases rising again? Wow.
Results please or Other answer.
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1 y
Looks like I'm not the only one so far, which is great, but it is by choice I'm wearing a mask, given its big crowds and big 'malls' (shopping malls). 😋😋😷😷😅👀👀. Here's looking at my eyes 👀👀👍👌
1 y
Glad to see results for Yes, looking fantastic a lot of guys are wearing masks. Inspirational vibes 😷😷😋😋
Have you worn a Covid mask this Christmas during your gift-shopping?
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