3 mo

What is more you and your family: Spending New Years Eve in another city partying or lay low at the comfort of your house with family or friends?


The first option I mean those who jlike to travel to other countries to spend New Years Eve and partying just to brag and say "My new Years eve was in another country", and yes there are people like that, I know many and they post and post photos or videos of the places they are traveling at enjoying their time in another country Or you prefer to be lay low and just a simple gathering with some of your relatives at either one at their houses.

My sister always always spend New Years eve with her husband in another country also Christmas Eve, she never spends it with me or mom or when my dad was alive with him either. I have a cousin who does the samse for New Years eve in anotehr country with his children, this year the exception he will spend it with his parents at home (not his children though) with her sister (her daughter also won't spend it with the mother) and with my mom, brother and myself with a simple dinner at his house that is all. The rest of my family will spending it their own way.

What is more you and your family: Spending New Years Eve in another city partying or lay low at the comfort of your house with family or friends?
3 Opinion