I like real trees
I prefer artificial trees
I just have a Charlie Brown tree
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I have an artificial tree because I can't justify cutting down a tree and wasting it. As a kid, we heated the house with a wood stove, so we would chop up the tree after Christmas and burn it, but due to strict clean air regulations, you can't use a fireplace or wood stove for much of the year. So I went artificial and use the same tree every year. I just upgraded the lights a couple of years ago with color-changing LEDs.
I definitely prefer the idea of real trees. They have a better aesthetic and smell of pine. But I've never had one even growing up and never will. I hate the idea of cutting a real tree down just for celebration. Imagine if everyone cuts a tree down for Christmas. That's millions of trees being cut down for no justifiable reason. Humans truly are a plague.
I prefer artificial, I'm kind of a neat freak and I'm afraid of my own shadow, so, I hate the thought of having to constantly vacuum up needles and I'm terrified of the tree going up in flames while I'm asleep. I know, I need help 😞
My family does artificial. Used to do real but the pre lit ones are so good these days and less of a mess.
When my kids were younger you could go buy a permit for 10 bucks and go cut your own tree and that was always fun to get about five different couples together go four wheeling pick out a tree cut it and go home
And it was always fun because there's always somebody that was going to get your vehicle stuck and spend half the day digging it out lol
I would much prefer a live tree. But, I prefer to have enough money to eat too, so we have an artificial one. It's actually over 10 years old, and about 10 feet tall. We used to set it up in our sun room, but now we just use the top of it in an end table in our living room- that's still 5 feet tall. Plenty for us now.
I do like real trees but artificial is so much easier to put up and take down , when my kids’ were little we got real trees just so they could experience it , but as they got older , we switched to artificial
We have artificial ones. One is big and the other is small.
I like a live tree but they got too expensive. I bought a fake tree and plan to keep it forever.
I don’t care much for trees. I have cats that like to climb, it’s easier to go without
Fake trees. I'm allergic to real trees
0.0 How do you outside?
If an artificial tree is dark green I really don't have a preference either way. For me it's more about how the tree is decorated. I like traditional and sorta old fashioned decorations with white lights.
This is really late but congratulations on the Dodgers winning the World Series!
I honestly don't care. My mom cares more. We almost always got a real one, but this year we got a fake one. We just don't see the point. Aesthically it looks no different and it's less messier and we also save money not having to buy one every year
I like real , and much prefer , but I've always simply had artificial ones , just too hard to bother with , and too expensive , I wouldn't spend the money.
We have a real tree in the hallway and four artificial ones in the lounge, dining room, conservatory, and in the upstairs landing alcove.
We have a Festivus Pole.
I draw a tree.
I promote not cut trees, get artificial because reuse n no pine needles falling off!
We have a very beautiful artificial tree that is 8.5 feet tall. My husband does have two of those Charlie Brown tree's on either end of our bar.
I love a real Christmas tree but since I have cats I have to have artificial trees. Last year we splurged and bought a balsam hill tree. Just flip it up and put the top section on and you're done.
I have a really nice artificial tree that came with built in lights and tinsel lol I'm lazy.
A live tree - with it's rootball intact. That way you look after it and next year you don't have to go buy another one.
Fake tree because I've heard real trees are too much work because they have to be watered and stuff like that
beebella 🐝
I definitely prefer real trees. They are a pain in the ass though.
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Artificial tree just cause its easy to set up in the house. A real Christmas tree would definitely set my allergies off plus my dog would definitely pee on the tree instead of going outside.
Real. Nothing starts the holiday season off like going to a lot and picking out a real Christmas tree. Then going home, watching a holiday movie and decorating the tree.
In my house it's Chrismakah so it's a shrub. In other ppls houses I prefer real. Growing up I had artificial.
Real trees make such a mess with pine needles everywhere year round.
Real... I like the option to rent a tree for a bit and then they replant it for next year.
Artificial, less mess; plus I don't have a fireplace to get rid of a real tree. So I would have to schedule a special pickup from my garbage company.
Real trees are always the best, but I'm happy grateful to have any tree (
The typical real tree looks better until it doesn't. I don't believe in killing trees, so a real one I can later plant on my property is ideal.
I celebrate Festivus. All I need is a metal pole. Luckily for me that's a staple in strip clubs.
Real but the maintenance with a dog and kid is crazy
Artificial don’t lose needles , don’t have to water it, plus your not killing a tree.
Artificial, lots of trees get cut down each year. I prefer to have one that's reusable.
I have New Years tree, this year it's artificial.
Artificial is fine
An artificial one is a renewable.
I have an illusion tree
We're having a rosemary plant this year.
We use an artificial one. It’s less of a mess and much easier. Plus we can reuse it!
Real tree smell so good
Artificial with built in lights.
Real large trees
Honestly could care less.
Different and unique
Real when I used to have one. Love the smell.
Always real.
Real only.
Real only.
Only Real trees where they are please
Real trees