

Playing In The Snow

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At Christmas before the parking lot and they hold up the signs saying something about hunger or just all kinds of things and you can tell what people really mean what they're saying on that side or the people is like a scam almost it's their business they make so much money per day they have a nicer cars than mine and yours put together but they go home blah blah blah blah blah
Or you can see the person that is really struggling that really needs something and if I see that and I feel that it is true I will go on a quick little shopping spree pants clothes underwear socks coat McDonald's gift certificates and I'll just go have that bag to that person as I'm getting ready to leave the parking lot and I just keep going hand it to them and keep going I enjoyed doing that
Showering a beautiful bowman with gifts, attention and monetary tributes, without even the tiniest notion that she'll ever let me know the rapture of true coital ardor🐷💰🔥
Just the enjoyment of having all the family gathering together... The sheer joy of seeing the excitement on the faces of the children as they unwrap their presents... Yes it is, or at least can be, jolly hard work at Christmas time, but the immense pleasure it brings makes it all worthwhile.
We do have one very old family tradition though, and that is when we all open presents on Christmas Day afternoon (if we're still awake after dinner!) we alternate with the youngest one starting first, then the eldest, then the next youngest, the next eldest and so on.
Wishing each and everyone of you... A Very Merry Christmas (Happy Holiday) and A Happy, Safe and Healthy New Year... And to those of you in war torn areas, may you soon find peace once again in your lives.
Emma ❤❤❤
Decorating and being with familyre-state//background_color_rgba (0, 0, 0, 0), font_color_rgb (77, 77, 77), justifyLeft
I think time with family is the best of all :)
Diy stuff, looking at Christmas lights, and Christmas games
Food and videogames 😁
Playing in the snow.
Gift Exchange.
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