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1 mo

Do you think there is one person out there that each of us are meant to be with?

Yes. Chances of meeting them are extraordinarily slim to none. Good luck 😅 Dating

1 mo

If a man looking for friends, I will treat him like a friends, like he one of brothers. why not be upfront from the meet up?

I dont understand the problem and I dont understand why you feel entitled. People are allowed to change their minds anytime they see fit. You can't expect someone to keep dating you if they... Guy's Behavior

1 mo

Do you feel happy when you see your old dates in a relationship?

I just don't feel anything at all. I am not sure if that is normal though. I am just indifferent. It feels like seeing a stranger, I don't know how to explain it properly. Dating

1 mo

Do you prefer an easy going or hard to get person?

I have a tendency to like difficult people like myself. Dating

1 mo

When a man says he’s not ready for a relationship because he’s not where he wants to be career wise… is that a lie?

Yes. When people are truly interested, they don't say stuff like that. Personally I would take that as a rejection, but that is just me. Guy's Behavior

1 mo

What % of men/women meet your standards?

I wasn't even being picky on this 😅 Dating

1 mo

Would you date two people at the same time?

Sis, I can't even stand one, let alone two. Anyway, I am unable to do that because so far in all those years I have lived, only one person interests me at time and even that only happens once... Dating

1 mo

Do you wish bad on happy couples?

I never do. Dating

1 mo

How can you stop being jealous of people with a perfect life?

I am unable to relate since I never compare myself with others nor can I relate with the socially acceptable idea of what it means to be "successful" . I haven't felt envy towards anyone so it is... Dating

1 mo

Have you ever felt genuinely sorry for someone you rejected?

Yes, because I truly liked him back, but I was stupid and the circumstances were shitty for both of us, so I had to make that decision without ever telling him that I was into him too. Dating

1 mo

Are prople who ghost most likely self centered, selfish, narcissists etc?

They are simply people who are not interested in you. They are not necessarily narcissistic or self centered or selfish. None of us should feel entitled to a response. Sometimes we don't receive... Dating

1 mo

Why would my ex boyfriend insist on coming over to see me after 6months of no contact?

Based on his responses I am almost certain that he wants to have sex. Guy's Behavior

1 mo

I just saw my boyfriend cry and lost all feelings. Is this normal?

I won't judge you for it even though if that happened to me, it would make me like him even more. However what you described, makes me think that there is something broken within you which can... Dating

1 mo

Is it bad that my boyfriend asked me if I'm a virgin or not in the first few months of dating?

Your boyfriend gives me multiple red flags since he keeps asking that question repeatedly and he makes weird comments regarding his friends' girlfriends, which should not be his business. Guy's Behavior

1 mo

What does it mean when a guy always goes back to the same girl after every relationship or talking stage?

It means that the girl hasn't established boundaries and she allows him to use her. Guy's Behavior

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