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10 mo

My boyfriend demanded for nude. I did'nt send it then he blocked me and I also blocked him. now he unblocked me why?

This guy is a complete piece of trash. If you've only been in a relationship for 15 days it's a bit soon to say he's your boyfriend, anyway. (You may have known him a while, I get it.) But a... Dating

10 mo

What do Men Value in a Woman?

Beauty, the body Loyalty Sensitivity, compassion, empathy, listening Being a caregiver and homemaker Having his children A cool chick who he can laugh with, doesn't have to walk on eggshells... Dating

10 mo

Fiancé doesn't focus on himself whatsoever?

I wasted my time reading this entire thing with you being gay. Turns out you're lying on your account and you're a woman. I don't waste time with liars. Relationships

10 mo

I feel like I don't fit into society and its trends and how people live on a daily basis. Any thoughts?

Reddit is overall quite toxic. You're actually more likely to get support here. Although even here (and everywhere) you will also find aggression, etc. You actually sound like a good person with a... Relationships

10 mo

If a guy keeps getting rejected after 1-4 dates, whats going wrong?

It could very well be them, or the way society/culture is now, not anything particularly wrong with him. The most likely reason is that finding true compatibility is very challenging/tough. But... Dating

10 mo

Would you seriously consider marrying someone from here?

Yep, I would. To those who say these are not real people, real connections, and can therefore not create real relationships... well, you're entitled to your opinion. And I do have a friend right... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Is it a red flag to date a guy who’s friendly with a lot of people?

That's bad advice you received. Don't listen to them. Next, they're going to tell you, "Only be in relationships with guys who love you more than you love them." Total garbage. Dating

1 y

Are guys who like older women dominant?

Nope. It's not about age. It's more of a mindset/temperament. I'd add, though, that there's an exception to that, a trend which seems to be happening, which is that some young guys have grown up... Relationships

1 y

Why date if you're unhealed?

Because being "healed" is not a black or white situation /healed, not healed. It's a process. And people can help others. You don't get banished to the island of misfit toys and don't get to play... Dating

1 y

What's the point of being with someone if they don't want to get married?

Depends on the ages. Many young people do not want (and probably should not want) to be married. There's a lot of life to live, and things to learn about oneself. There are some advantages to... Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Is over communicating a red flag early on in dating?

It's not a red flag, the guy's just excited that he met someone he likes, and he knows how difficult it is to get a girl's focus and attention online with other guys also doing the same, so he's... Dating

1 y

Guys, is it okay if I start listing off chick flicks when a guy I'm on a date with asks me what my favorite movies and tv shows are?

Good q. I like it. I don't think you should change your answer if your true answer is this. They won't be too keen on the changing. Instead of just listing the titles, give a bit of a reason for... Dating

1 y

Girls, how do I change my girlfriends perception that I’m always whining?

Honestly, I skimmed this, which I usually don't, because the fact that she says to you that you are "whining" just shows that she's a bitch. I'd advise you get out of this relationship. It's... Relationships

1 y

Is it wrong to pretend you have tourette's when you don't want to date a woman?

Holy shit, man. That's wicked. Don't do that. Dating

1 y

Am I overthinking this situation?

That's stressful. I'm sorry. We internet strangers can't know the mind of some random woman, though. Could mean something, could mean nothing. Better just wait to find out. You've called and... Relationships

1 y

Would you date someone who has a roommate of the opposite sex?

Yes. It means very little. I was a single female and I unfortunately needed roommates after I left my parents' house and was starting out in my twenties for a while. I advertised my 2bdrm and... Dating

1 y

Would men become more attractive if they could change their height and become tall?

Yes, it would appeal to a lot of females. But then they would find the next tier to eliminate them. It's a filter, of sorts. Dating

1 y

Can I just block everyone in my life who’s been negative and stressing me out so I can have a fresh start to the year? What if they find out?

It's not necessary to block. People use blocking as an impulsive cure-all for whenever they get frustrated and annoyed. You can stop interacting with people. But the better long-term solution is... Relationships

1 y

Girlfriend said i’m neglecting her but I don’t think I am?

You can play video games with your online buddies, but you can't prioritize these internet people over your irl girlfriend if there's a conflict in times available. That's the key. Sure, maybe... Relationships

1 y

If you could marry a fictional character, who would it be and why?

Michiel Huisman's character in "The Age of Adaline." I love everything about this character. Marriage & Weddings

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