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1 y

Who do you think gossips more? Men or women?

Women. Men stay out of others' business more. They live more independent lives. They see letting others live their live, as they see fit, as a sign of respect, and that's what they expect in... Relationships

1 y

How do you deal with someone who is too pushy?

Who's the soccer player? #8 for Italy. If you have no interest in having this person in your life at all, not as a friend either, I think it's find to just block, in this case, as they're pushy... Relationships

1 y

Why do you think white women suffer more from white guilt than white men do?

Females identify with minorities, weaker groups, the disadvantaged, etc. It's just the way we are, based on our experience of the world. We also support equality, equal opportunity, social aid for... Dating

1 y

We went on a date and he didn’t even check if I got home safe. Is that rude?

The world of gender and equality and feminism and "I'm a strong, independent woman" has now permeated culture, to the point that walking a girl to the door, and checking up on her later, and the... Dating

1 y

Would you date someone who is always negative about LOVE and DATING?

I like real talk, honest opinions, and not dampening that stuff for too long, otherwise it gives a false sense of who people are, and that's just sort of a waste of time. People are certainly... Dating

1 y

How can a girl say she has no physical connection with you but yet be indecisive about breaking up?

"she said thinking about me made her wet" "a girl say she has no physical connection with you" Yeah, these two things definitely contradict. Maybe she said the "no physical connection" thing one... Dating

1 y

Can a man tell a girl about his Soft Corner/weakness?

Look. There are females who will not like this. It's often based on age, maturity, region/culture. But the vast majority of women take a man they care about sharing their vulnerabilities with... Relationships

1 y

Do you feel neither genders will ever understand each other?

No, I don't feel that way about the genders. Because I have met enough people to know that we are more similar than dissimilar, and many times we are actually aligned, and want the same things.... Relationships

1 y

If you were able to give me a new years resolution to follow, what would it be?

Always remember... To be tough is to be fragile. To be tender is to be truly fierce. “The Solace of Open Spaces” You're a great girl, Msputiton. If anything, I'd say maybe just to remind yourself... Holidays

1 y

Is kissing friends and coworkers on the cheeks a thing where you live?

Interesting, thanks for the info. No, it is done not often where I live, or have lived. I've experienced it, but I forget when/where. I think it's for the very cultured, and European-based. No one... Relationships

1 y

Girls, What have you said or done to push a Cute Shy Guy away when you really liked him?

If I liked someone I would never push them away. But people can get the impression about me that I don't want to communicate with them, when in fact irl it might be that I feel socially awkward... Flirting

1 y

Do you fear other's opinions about you?

Couldn't have picked a better example pic, Coach? Sheesh that guy's ugly. I almost had to walk away. Anyway... I wouldn't exactly use the word "fear", but all right, I guess. I get the gist. And... Dating

1 y

How can you attract love?

Treat the opposite sex with respect. Especially girls need this. Because they are so often valued first, or foremost, for their sexuality and attractiveness/beauty. Next, you've got to physically... Relationships

1 y

Why don’t I ever believe people when they say they like me?

There's two aspects to attraction and keeping relationships (at least two) and your physical attractiveness is only of them; and you know this. You know you are difficult, as no one knows you... Dating

1 y

How can I be more respectful to a guy?

You don't have to change. Guys would love to be checked out more. Dating

1 y

Do you like meeting guys in clubs?

Nah. It's fun to dance, talk, flirt. But you have to expect the guys are there for a quick lay. Although I met a man who came to be my boyfriend. So there's always exceptions. Dating

1 y

Is a fake apology better than no apology at all?

Yes, it is better than none. You basically asked for an apology, so he gave you one. Try this next time: Say something that is so interesting, or enticing, or amusing, that he can't help but... Dating

1 y

Do women see men who are over the age of 45 who have never been married or had kids a RED FLAG?

I won't speak for other women, just for myself. I don't see it as a red flag, no. I would, however, if they had no relationships to date, or were very green. That would mean they are potentially:... Dating

1 y

Are you ever aggressive with your love?

Nope, I'm never aggressive or violent. I have yelled really loud occasionally, but that's about it. Like, "You're driving me fucking crazy!" in an argument. I hate senseless arguments. Relationships

1 y

Why does every guy who is interested in me stops talking with me when I tell him that I love spending my time with other guys? Is there mistake in me?

When you say "time" do you mean sex? Most hate that. They might not want to commit to you, but they don't want to share you. If you mean friends, on a friend basis, then many will also not like... Dating

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