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+1 y

Do you think parents who let their children overeat and become overweight/obese should be charged with criminal neglect?

Obesity is usually not a result of overeating but rather a result of eating the wrong things (bad diet). I agree with you that it is PARTIALLY the parents' responsibility to feed their... Society & Politics

+1 y

A question to those who are pro-choice. Is female infanticide justifiable?

Within the regular phase of legal abortions, which lasts between 3-4 months in most countries, abortions should be allowed for any and all reasons. No questions asked. You don't want this child?... Society & Politics

+1 y

What's your opinions on Blaire White's transgender views?

If you're gay or trans or black or even a woman and you support the Republicans, you're basically a useful idiot. Just keepin' it one hundred. All of these people get fucked over by Trump and the... Society & Politics

+1 y

Are beautiful women living life on easy mode?

Beautiful women can struggle too, just like anyone else. They might have it very easy to get a lot of good sex but outside of that, I don't see many advantages. Simply being pretty doesn't protect... Society & Politics

+1 y

Agree or Disagree, male Feminists are only Feminists because they think thats what women want to hear?

I disagree. I call myself a feminist and I'd prefer not being negatively stereotyped like that. I don't do it because I think "that's what women want to hear". I do it because my values... Society & Politics

+1 y

“Guns don’t kill people... people kill people” Agree or disagree? Are you Anti-Gun? Why or why not?

Sigh. The broken record about guns and people once again. The whole thing is about framing. That is, a gun-fundamentalist way of framing. I'll concede the obvious and utterly irrelevant... Society & Politics

+1 y

Who's your country's hottest politician?

In my opinion, Natalie Rickli and Mattea Meyer. They're on the opposite ends of the political spectrum but I won't reveal which one is where in order to not bias anyone's judgment in regard to... Society & Politics

+1 y

Have you ever tipped a waitress just because she was hot?

I can't remember but I'm almost certain this has happened at least a few times ;-). Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you think girls really mature faster than guys?

Most of them, yes. That's actually why I've preferred to spend time with girls when I was in my early-to-mid 20s because they acted like adults while most guys I knew still acted like immature... Society & Politics

+1 y

“My culture is not your costume." Are these Halloween costumes cultural appropriation?

Sure. But I don't see how that's a bad thing. Cultural exchange is normal. It has existed for tens of thousands of years. It is the root of our human civilization; of innovation and progress. And... Society & Politics

+1 y

Should Bradley Manning be denied access to Australia for his speaking tour?

Chelsea Manning should have never been in prison in the first place. She did a tremendous service and sacrifice to the American people. Whistle blowers are supposed to be celebrated for revealing... Society & Politics

+1 y

What are your honest thoughts on MGTOW?

Amen. I wanted to give a detailed answer to your question but you've already said everything I was going to say. I completely agree with you. I especially agree with your point that it's... Society & Politics

+1 y

Do you believe that girls are lying to you by wearing makeup?

I wouldn't say lying. I just don't understand why a girl who is as pretty as you are wastes her money to buy beauty products she doesn't even need. It comes across as insecure to me. I've heard... Society & Politics

+1 y

It's Official the METOO Movement has been discredited. What do you think about the newly leaked photo of Asia after having sex with a minor?

He's not a minor. Asia Argento is Italian and lives in Italy. The legal age of consent in Italy is 14. He is 17. What she did was perfectly legal - and it would have been in many other... Society & Politics

+1 y

America VS Native Tribes: Justifiable Conquest, Ruthless Genocide, Typical War, Other?

I don't know how anyone could not possibly see this as a ruthless genocide. Europeans used to be frighteningly good at this kind of thing. Society & Politics

+1 y

Why are people so obsessed with mixed babies/kids?

I've never met anyone who's obsessed with mixed-race babies. Then again, I don't have an Instagram account or Facebook or Twitter or anything like that. I'm also not obsessed with mixed-race... Society & Politics

+1 y

Republican or Democrat: Which one are you?

I'm a social democrat (what Americans incorrectly call "democratic socialist"). Society & Politics

+1 y

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

I think a much better solution would be for airlines to not squeeze as many seats into their airplanes as they do. I'm normal-sized and even I feel rather claustrophobic on an airplane. Now, I... Society & Politics

+1 y

Is it true that men get paid more than women?

Yes, meta-studies have conclusively proven this. The only exception is Iceland, where the gender pay gap has been effectively eradicated in recent years. Society & Politics

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