Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?
Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?


Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?

I was recently crushed on an airline flight by the bulk of a rather large overweight woman who's ass and arms were sprawled over the seat I paid for.
Yes! If they can't fit in the seat they should have to purchase two
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+1 y
Just to be clear Ashley Gragham is certainly fat and probably obese.
+1 y
51% agree that she should pay for 2 seats
Should people as big as Ashley Graham have to purchase two seats in airplanes, buses and trains?
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