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1 y

Did I make the right choice?

Yes, you did. You should not be a second option/choice when things don't go as planned with someone else. That's usually means you're rebound cause the person is feeling hurt or lonely and just... Relationships

1 y

Girls, Have you ever tried to get back a guy you rejected?

No cause why would if I if I'm not interested 🤔 Dating

1 y

Is this how a boyfriend should act?

No, sounds like he's not serious about you or the relationship and just wasting your time or wants to come see you on his time. I would end the relationship cause it's already not off to a good... Relationships

1 y

What do you think about "Cuffing season"?

It'd just pointless hooking up/fornication. It just screams desperation. Relationships

1 y

What is the most annoying thing about whole dating game for you?

Just all the dysfunction and betrayal I keep hearing about. But in sure it's not all bad, I think it's mostly an internet thing and that people on the outside world are still forming relationships. Dating

1 y

Would you still love and be with your partner if they started gaining a lot of weight after being in a long term relationship with you?

My husband is chunky even though he goes to the gym, i still love his chunky self. Plus he's squishy and keeps me warm at night... like a toaster.. until you gotta turn the toaster off cause it's... Relationships

1 y

Are labels necessary in a relationship? Why do we need them?

Yes? It helps you understand where the relationship is going with someone. Everything has a label these days, try going into a store and you see nothing is labeled, no aisles, no price tag, no... Relationships

1 y

Why do you like or dislike PDA (public display of affection)?

I don't dislike it, it's always been normal to see couples hold hands, hug or even exchange a small kiss from time to time. I think the only time it's disliked is when they become too sexual or... Relationships

1 y

Do you think men or women care more about looks?

Men definitely care more about looks or physical attraction sense they're the more visual sex as I've seen many men say. Relationships

1 y

Is it true that the older you get, the less magical and joyful the holidays especially Christmas become?

Lol I think so cause I haven't cared much for Christmas in quite sometime now. I don't carebif iget gifts or not honestly. Holidays

1 y

What do you plan on doing to celebrate the New Year in 2023?

2023 is the year I will become a first time mother. My life is about to change forever 🥰 Holidays

1 y

Why is it hard for people to respect the fact that I don't date/pursue romantic relationships?

Do they know you choose not to date cause you feel self conscious? If they know then think it's your insecurities holding you back from dating and they don't like seeing people not try to put... Dating

1 y

Are you affected much by the snow and cold where you live?

Mmm a little bit, I find that I handle cold a bit better than heat. I'm extremely heat sensitive and feel like I'm melting at work somedays. Plus cold days are so nice when you just want cuddle on... Holidays

1 y

Do you pray to JESUS for a better dating life?

I don't pray to God just to ask or want something and then act like He's no longer there. I pray to speak/have a conversation with God cause I want to have a relationship with God. That's problem... Dating

1 y

What's one item your having a hard time finding during Christmas?

Nothing really from the list compared to 2020 when a lot things where pretty low on stock. Even during the low stock period, I managed to still find the necessities I needed. Holidays

1 y

Is it better to be single or in a relationship during the Holidays?

I get a lot people don't want to be alone during the holidays like Christmas and valentines days, but if you are single it's fine. Holidays

1 y

My friend is in an abusive relationship. Is it any of my business?

The only thing you can do as a friend is tell your friend you love and and that you're tired of seeing her being harmed or worse killed one day. If she doesn't take rhe opportunities to try to get... Relationships

1 y

Do you consider yourself a player?

No, not my style of dating. Dating

1 y

Would you stay with someone who’s unsure about you?

Don't wait on someone who isn't sure they want you or not. It's been 7 years, that's more than enough time to know you want to be with someone or not. He's already made it clear he doesn't by... Relationships

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