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1 y

How old or how young you would want your future partner to be?

Same age or 2 year older. Nothing more than that. I remember a 50yr approached me once when I was in my 20s, it's was very awkward cause he was old enough to be my dad. I politely declined. Dating

1 y

What do you do when someone ghosts you?

Not much you can do except move on. Dating

1 y

True or false: Asian men struggle in the world of online dating & dating in general in the west compared to other ethnicities?

I have heard that dating is quite a challenge for Asian men who want to date within their race/another Asian woman but find it difficult cause a lot of them want to date white men. Dating

1 y

Why do people get so personally offended at someone else’s dating preferences and standards?

Because they take it as form of rejection cause they don't fit into those people's standards/preference. Everyone wants to be liked, accepted, and preferred by somebody. Dating

1 y

Do you need to be a player to have a girlfriend?

No? Most players aren't looking for girlfriend just flings and casual sex. Dating

1 y

Do looks matter in a relationship?

To some extent, yes, everyone wants to be attractive to their romantic partner in some way. If you're not then chances are the relationship won't work. Dating

1 y

Am I being dramatic? My boyfriend has been ignoring me for 14 hours?

Relationship doesn't sound to healthy and is causing more stress. If he's not that serious about the relationship, then it's best to walk away from entirely for the both of you. Relationships

1 y

Does being rejected take a toll on your mental health?

I can but you can't let it take over your life. The more you let these people and their rejection of you take control over your life, you won't be able to move forward. Rejection isn't fun, u get... Dating

1 y

Would you leave your partner if you won the lottery?

No, that means we finally buy a house! I could pay off my car as well and any other bills I might have. Buy furniture for the house and my daughter's room then save for travel and other investments. Relationships

1 y

If he threatens but never hurts you, is it still a red flag?

Yes. He pretty much threaten you with assault, if you have another argument again it could turn violent. I would leave the relationship immediately, if he hasn't hit you yet eventually he will... Dating

1 y

Marriage - do you see it as a love union or a business partnership?

It was suppose to be about love, union. Partnership, teamwork but sadly that's all changed. God is not the head of most marriages and relationships these days. Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Why did my boyfriend hide me from his Instagram stories?

He's hiding something, mostly another woman. Dating

1 y

Girl lied to me about being single, and she has a fiancé. Can this work out?

No, it can't work out. You're really going to trust someone that just proved to you that they're unfaithful and cheater? Really? What makes you think you're special enough to make her not do the... Dating

1 y

When asking someone to go on a movie date, what type of movie are you suggesting?

I wouldn't suggest a movie on date cause you won't be able to communicate with one another during a film. If it's the second or 3rd date then it's fine. I would go with horror or some type of... Dating

1 y

What does it mean when someone says something is missing in their marriage?

They're lacking love, passion, and romance in their relationship. Relationships get stale when you get stuck in a rut or stop putting effort in said relationship. Marriage & Weddings

1 y

Girls, I rejected my best friend. Now he won't date anyone no matter how lonely he is. What should I do?

The poor lady just needs some time is all. He took the rejection from you pretty hard and it sounds like he's deeply in love with you which is why he can't even fathom being with another girl at... Dating

1 y

Who is at fault if a birthing person gets pregnant accidently?

Women dint magically get knocked up themselves and men don't magical become dads lol it takes two to make a child, always have and always with.. also wth is birthing person? You mean women Lol Dating

1 y

Do you think reversed gender roles are going to be more expected in the future or traditional?

I don't know I'm thinking most women are looking for option B it seems. They want men to help out around the house, with the kids, and bills. They still want a level of financial security in case... Relationships

1 y

Would you break up with a girl, that said she caught you cheating on her in her dream?

No, that's that's really irrational. If that enough to break up with someone I doubt the relationship was really that stronge or serious to began with. Relationships

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